Our mission:

To inspire & empower today’s students to achieve their potential & lead tomorrow’s world.

MPP’s Tutoring Sponsorship Model

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What is corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

Why does MPP need YOUR support?

CSR is the idea that businesses should make a positive impact in the world & take into consideration the social & environmental impact of their decisions. A CSR model helps a business be socially accountable to itself, those involved within the company, & the public.

There is a large number of students experiencing homelessness &/or in long-term foster care who are struggling academically. Post-pandemic, these challenges are more prevalent than ever. We want to ensure that these students get the educational help they need to succeed.

Who Your Sponsorship Will Support

MPP is honored to collaborate with businesses & organizations that want to be involved in developing accessible education for all students, regardless of background, age, & socioeconomic status. With our Tutoring Sponsorship Model, you &/or your group can sponsor a number of tutoring hours which will be allocated to students experiencing homelessness & in long-term foster care.

Why They Need Our Help

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act. This act ensures that students experiencing homelessness have access to an equal & appropriate education, & that they have the chance to experience success in school.

The program protects any student who is living under any of these conditions:

  • Living in a shelter (family, youth, or domestic violence shelter or transitional living program)
  • Living in a motel, hotel, or weekly rate housing
  • Living in a house or apartment with more than one family because of economic hardship or loss
  • Living in an abandoned building, in a car, at a campground, or on the street
  • Living in substandard housing (without electricity, heat or water)
  • Living with friends or family because they are a runaway or an unaccompanied youth
  • Awaiting foster care placement

Academic proficiency amongst students experiencing homelessness:

For students experiencing homelessness, the average high school graduation rate is 69%, a 14 percentage point difference than students living in low-SES homes.

Youth without a high school diploma or GED credential are at a greatly elevated risk for homelessness as young adults.

Unhoused children enrolled in public schools during the 2017-2018 school year:


Research shows that students lose 6-8 months of academic progress with every school move.

Dawson, Ben. “The State of America’s Children 2021 – Housing and Homelessness — Children’s Defense Fund.” Children’s Defense Fund,

29 Mar. 2021, www.childrensdefense.org/state-of-americas-children/soac-2021-housing

Dion Burns, et al. “Students Experiencing Homelessness: The Conditions and Outcomes of Homelessness Among California Students.”

Institute of Education Sciences, Learning Policy Institute, June 2021, www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/foster-care/index.html.

Lee, Leconte. “Public Schools Report Over 1.5 Million Homeless Children and Youth – All Time Record.” SchoolHouse Connection, 29 Jan.

2020, schoolhouseconnection.org/public-schools-report-over-1-5-million-homeless-children-and-youth.

“The Rights of Students Experiencing Homelessness.” Education Law Center, Aug. 2020, retrieved from


Learn how your group can give back with MPP’s Tutoring Sponsorship Model.